Friday, May 30, 2008

Father/Daughter Banquet

This was a banquet on Friday night that some parents put on for all the 6th-8th grade girls and their fathers at Annapolis Area Christian School. It was a night of fun and bonding. I was able to do Emily's hair for the banquet and it was a very special time for us to enjoy together. She was very excited about this night. It was a special night and I am thankful that Emily and Stan had the opportunity to have this night together as Father and Daughter.


These are all the pictures from Matthew's dedication.

These are the pictures from Matthew's first baseball game!

These are just pictures throughout his 8 month of life. The messy ones are when he had his first biter biscuit.

Here is his 8 month picture. It is our personal favorite. The arm on the bench he was sitting on was all him. He sat down and put his arm right up there. Our little man!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nine Months Today

Today, Matthew celebrated his 9 month birthday - hard to believe that he's been with us for nearly a year. We started the day at church with Nana Major and Grandma and Grandpa Kemmerer to witness the "first of six" baby dedications. Even though he was fighting a cold, the little guy was still all smiles today and we had a good time visiting with everyone.

Last night, Matthew went to his first ballgame down in Waldorf to see the Southern Maryland Blue Crabs. The game was pretty boring but he ended up on the big screen with beef macaroni all over his face. Pretty cool stuff.

Emily - "Big Sis" - has been involved in all kinds of things since we last wrote. She's finishing up the last two weeks of school and has worked really hard this last semester. All of the hard work has paid off though and we're all really proud of her efforts. We can't believe that she'll be starting high school next year. It doesn't seem all that long ago that Jen had her in 2nd grade. Emily will be finishing up her spring soccer season in 2 weeks and then having fun over the summer. Lots of days at the pool with the little guy....

Emily and we have finished up Awanas until the fall and while we miss working with the kids every Sunday, it truly is a needed break. We've also finished up with our girls soccer season last weekend, but will begin tryouts for the fall in a couple of weeks. Just when things look like they're going to be a little less busy, we always have other things on our plate as coed softball has begun on Friday nights and Jen is playing soccer several nights a week.

Hope all is well with all of the readers out there.... will add some pictures tomorrow.

Stan and Jen