Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Well, our first Christmas with Matthew was a little weird, but fun. We flew to Florida for Christmas to be with my in-laws. It was weird, but fun swimming on Christmas day!. The weather was beautiful, mostly high 70's and 80's. We enjoyed spending time with family and friends at the pool, beach, and key west. We enjoyed eating out at some very good restaurants and enjoyed the taste of some new foods. We spent a week there. We were a little nervous about Matthew's first flight, but he did so well. He made not a peep both there and back. He slept most of the flight there, and the whole flight back. He was such a good boy. He realy enjoyed the pool. It was his first time in water and he loved to kick his feet and splash his hands. He even put his face in the water and didn't cry a bit. He didn't mind going under the water. It was a lot of fun. We did not take all of our presents down because we didn't have room, but we bought two presents for the each of the kids so they could open something. It was neat and just amazing to watch Matthew tear the paper at only 4 months. He had such a look of concentration and determination on his face while tearing the paper. Amazingly, it did not go to the mouth all the time either. It was a very enjoyable time.
When we returned from Florida we spent time with my side of the family. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed every minute of it. On Friday the 28th we celebrated Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Kemmerer, Uncle Justin and Aunt Allie, and Uncle Jeremy and soon to be Aunt Jill. It was neat to see Matthew tear open presents again. He has enjoyed playing with his toys.
Here are pictures from our Florida trip and Christmas for you to enjoy!

Four Months!

Matthew is 25 1/3" long and weighs 14 lb 14 1/2 oz. He is a growing boy. He got his second set of four shots at his appointment. Mom did better this time. He is so fun to watch and play with. He has a lot of different, fun facial expression we are enjoying. He is laughing and smiling a lot. He rolled over for the first time from his belly to his back this week. The first time he did it mommy missed it. Matthew was on a blanket on his belly and mommy was watching him while talking on the phone to grandma and then mommy looked away while she was talking to e-mail daddy and all of the sudden looked at Matthew and he was on his back. It was so cool, but mommy was mad. I put him back on his tummy, but he didn't do it again. We tried later that night and both mommy and daddy got see Matthew roll over for the first time. So cool! Matthew has also started eating cereal and baby food and is a very good eater. He seems to enjoy everyone we have tried so far. He has had sweet potatoes, pears, peaches, applesauce, and butternut squash. He also is blowing bubbles and drooling a lot. Everything goes into the mouth and he naws on things pretty good. We think he is teething, but no evidence of any teeth cutting through. Here is his four month picture and others. Enjoy!