Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Worrell Update Finally!

Well, it doesn't seem like almost two months have passed since we have posted an update. Sorry!

What have we done since Christmas. Well, Stan and I have been coaching a U13 girls team. Our girls always play inside during the winter and this year instead of indoor we chose to do futsol which is similar. The girls have done well and enjoyed it. We took a little break from it and one of the fathers who is very good at soccer filled in for us and we are very thankful. We will be starting up our outdoor season with the girls the second weekend of March. It is still too cold and a little early in our opinion, but not much we can do. We are looking forward to a good season with they girls. We have a great group of them. Since right before Christmas Stan and I have been involved in the Upward Basketball program with our church. We have been coaching a group of 3rd and 4th grade boys. We have 9 wonderful boys and families on our team. They are a joy to work with. We have two more weeks and then that is complete. It is a wonderful outreach opportunity to bring a lot of unchurched unsaved families in to hear God's Word being presented everyweek. We have practice once a week and at the end of each practice we have a devotional and the kids memorized a verse of scripture. There is also a game every Saturday and during halftime there is a testimony given to all the family and friends who come to watch the game. This year the program has over 450 1rst through 8th graders, male and female. Stan is also involved in playing in a bball league with his work and he is just starting the playoff with that this weekend and that will be complete. He has started his volleyball games also with work. I am involved in soccer and play indoor every Friday night in a mom's league. It is fun and gives me some exercise. So good to be back. Stan and I also do Awana with our church on Sunday nights and love it. Our church choir which I am involved in is getting prepared for our Easter pageant coming up in March. I think that covers all of our activites. Now, on to the kids.

Emily is in the 3rd quarter of her 8th grade year at Annapolis Area Christian School. She is having a great school year. Her grades are very good and she is working hard. She is a little nervous about going to the high school next year, but with God's help she will do great we are sure. Emily is involved in the choir and the Honors chorale at her school and loves it. She just finished up her Basketball season at school. They had an ok season. She improved in her shooting and her running which is very good. We are very proud of her and all she has accomplished this year in middle school. Outside of school she is very involved in church. She is also involved in the Upward program. She is very aggressive in this league and works hard. Her team is a very good team and has beaten up on all the other teams. This league is less competitive than school, so she enjoyed it much more. Emily is also a leader in the Cubbies program of Awana on Sunday nights. That is 2-4 year olds. She loves children and enjoys working and playing with them. She is a very good worker and helper. She is involved with the youth group at church as well. She is doing the puppet program they have and it has been a great ministry opportunity for her. She enjoys that a lot. To sum it up with Emily she is loving being a big sister and is a good help with her little brother. Everytime he sees her he lights up. It is so neat to see. We are very happy to have Emily around and very proud of all she is doing at school and church.

Matthew is growing, growing, growing. He just turned 6 months yesterday. He will be going to the Dr. on Wednesday for 6 mo. shots and we will also find out his height and weight and will let you know that later. In the past two months he has accomplished a few things. We are just finishing up the first stage baby foods. He has enjoyed everyone including prunes. YUCK!! We can't wait to start the second stage foods. There are so many different kinds. He had his first taste of apple juice and seemed to like it. We tried it with a sippy cup so he has not gotten a big taste of it. He is eating well though. I am worried that he is not getting enough fluid though. He is working on sitting up on his own. It is coming. He can last about 30 seconds give or take before teetering to the side, but he keeps getting better and we are very excited. He is such a good baby and full of smiles and giggles. He just brightens up all of our days. How you be sad around a baby who always does something to make you smile. He is very good at rolling from his stomach to his back. I have been trying to do more tummy time to help with his flat head in the back, but everytime I put him on his tummy, not even 30 seconds later he is on his back. Hmmm! He also has his two bottom teeth and we think he is working on his top ones. He got his first one the day before he turned 4 months. Matthew loves to stand. He has very strong legs. His newest thing is eating his toes and making noises with his lips together. He is a joy.

Well, I have not been too good about taking pictures since Christmas, so I will just post Matthew's 5 month picture.

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