Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We did not fall off the face of the earth, just have been very busy.

Matthew just turned 8 months on Friday. We cannot believe how fast he is growing. He is rolling around everywhere. He sits up by himself. He is a good eater and sleeper, which we are very thankful for. He has his two top and bottom teeth. He is not crawling yet, but I am sure that will come and when it does we will always be on the move I am sure. It is so neat to finally see his personality coming out. He has started to have fun with his vocal cords. He loves to just scream at the top of his lungs in a fun way, not mad. It is so hard not to laugh. He is just a riot. He really loves his family too. He just brightens up whenever he sees his Daddy or his sister. He adores Emily. If anyone can get him to laugh she can. She gets him going and the laughing is just contagious. She is very good with him and they both love each other to death. Matthew is so loving and fun to have around. He is a very happy and good baby.

Emily just started her fourth quarter in school. She is working really hard and is doing very well. We are proud of how hard she has worked and the grades she has gotten because of that. Almost time for high school. We went to a course selection meeting a week ago so she could pick out what courses she is going to take in high school next year. We can't believe how time flies. She is excited, but scared at the same time. She also is in the beginning of her soccer season. She enjoys playing soccer and the social aspect of the team as well.

Stan and I are keeping busy playing and coaching sports. Our girls team is having its struggles but we are working at it. I fractured my wrist playing soccer and sprained my ankle as well. My wrist is in a cast for 3 weeks, which makes life interesting. My ankle is almost all the way healed, ,but it does not bother me. Yes, I am still playing and I love it. Stan, myself, and Emily are getting ready to finish our ministry with Awana at church. It something we all enjoy very much. It is just so wonderful that God has allowed all of us to work with these children and be a part of their lives and teach them about Jesus. We have two more weeks till next year.

Well, I think that about sums it up. Life is good and GOD is GREAT!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so great to get an update. sounds like things are going well for you!!